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Math Worksheets from Teacher Tools at i4c

Math Worksheets

Links verified on 2/14/2023

  1. 1st Grade Math Worksheets - Adding, Subtracting, More or Less, Equal, and more, each connected to CCSS.
  2. 2nd Grade Math Worksheets - Addition, Subtraction, Mental Math, Comparing number, and more , each connected to CCSS.
  3. 3rd Grade Math Worksheets - Fractions, Multiplication, Addition, each connected to CCSS.
  4. 4th Grade Math Worksheets - Addition up to 6 numerals, Subtraction, Division and more, each connected to CCSS.
  5. 5th Grade Math Worksheets - Multiplication and Division, each connected to CCSS.
  6. Algebra Worksheet Generator - From Math.com. Choose type of equation, systems, and quadratics. Answer keys included.
  7. Algebra Worksheets - Free worksheets with answer key. PDF files. Also visual explanations and examples.
  8. Algebra 2 Worksheets - Free worksheets with answer keys. Model problems worked out step by step.
  9. Basic Math Worksheets - Worksheet generator for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, or Division. Choose the number of problems as well as the types of questions asked. Worksheet can be printed or answered on the computer and graded.
  10. Blank Math Printables - Seven free printables containing grids, tables, and various types of blank decimal squares.
  11. Fraction Worksheet Generator - Produces a variety of worksheets for the four basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) with fractions and mixed numbers. Worksheet #2 generates worksheets for equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions, and changing fractions to mixed numbers or vice versa. Answer keys included.
  12. Fraction Worksheets - Collection of fraction worksheets that are easy to print and answer keys are included. Worksheets are randomly generated so you can create and print an unlimited amount of worksheets related to adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, simplifying, etc.
  13. Free Math Worksheets - From HomeSchoolMath.net. Huge selection organized by grades (1-6) and concepts (basic operations to square roots).
  14. Geometry Worksheets - Free worksheets with answer keys. Model problems worked out step by step.
  15. Kid Zone Math Worksheets - [PreK-5th] Variety of printables organized by grade, theme, or type
  16. Math Drills - (Grades K-12) Free worksheets to print for almost all math topics.
  17. MathFactCafe Worksheets - Choose from pre-made worksheets or generate one for math drills, flashcards, counting, time, money, and more! Can be done online or printed.
  18. Math Printables- (Grades K-12) Huge selection of worksheets and printables indexed by grade or topic.
  19. Math Test Generator - Create one-operation or multi-operation problems as well as randomly ordered math tests that are of varying levels of difficulty. Includes basic math, problems with exponents and roots, and non-parenthetical order-of-operation problems.
  20. Math Worksheet Generators - Includes elementary math, pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, and indexed by topics.
  21. Math Worksheet Land - Over 9,700 PDF files that total over 21,000 printable pages.
  22. Math Worksheet Wizard - (Grades K-5) A simple-to-use math worksheet generator by grade level. Each worksheet is randomly generated, so you get a new worksheet each time.
  23. Math Worksheets - Selection of printable from grids, fractions, drills, time, etc.
  24. Math Worksheets by Grade/Topic - Over 2,000 free math printables that range in skill from grades K-12.
  25. Math Worksheets from Forms Birds - free, printable math worksheets [2783 worksheets currently]
  26. Money Worksheets - From Teach-nology. Worksheets on how to count and use money. Includes basic operations and word problems with various denominations of currency. Canadian currency included.
  27. Printable Math Worksheets - (Grades 1-5) Indexed by topic in PDF format. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  28. Super Teacher Math Worksheets - This is a membership site, however there are free worksheets available under each skill that require no membership or sign-up.
  29. Telling Time worksheets - Select options to create your own worksheets. Answers included.
  30. Winter Themed Math Worksheets - (Grades 1-5) Indexed by grade.

Don't Miss These!
  1. Early Learning HQ - hundreds of foundation stage/phase and key stage one resources that are all free to download; resources to assist early years practitioners and to inspire and educate the children whom they teach
  2. Personal Educational Press - Create free educational worksheets such as flashcards, game boards, and quizzes to print directly from your browser. Make tracing sheets, quizzes, study sheets, word lists, bingo cards, word scrambles, word searches and more!



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